How did I get the name theBrainrunner?

Well it's a long story but I'll keep it breif. On November 3rd, 2008 I was getting ready for work and passed out in the shower. Luckily, my wife was home at the time and ran upstairs to find me and after having trouble reviving me she then called the paramedics. After an ambulance ride, followed by a CT scan, then a helicopter ride to another hospital I ended up having surgery to repair a ruptured Brain Aneurysm. 5 months later I had two more aneurysms clipped. I was thankful to be alive, as 40% of ruptures are fatal, and 66% suffer from some permanent neurological deficit. I use to be a runner in High School, and after I had recovered from the surgeries I wanted to be healthier than I had been at that time so my wife and I started running again. Every time I run I'm thankful to be alive and able to be outside doing what I love. Thus, theBrainrunner was born.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Catching Up

Since I last wrote many things have happened and I'll bring you up to speed on all that's been going on.

500 Festival Mini Marathon
I ran this race as a fundracer for Back on My Feet Indianapolis and had a lot of fun. It was a very humid day and ended up being hot as well. So, Hot and Humid equals a slower pace. Which was what happened I was able to finish in just under two hours. I also got to run with some friends for a little bit throughout the race.

Firecracker 6
This race is run on July 4th and again it was a hot one! The race is a 6 mile race in Indianapolis with a patriotic theme. My goal going into the race was to run it under 48 minutes. I ended up finishing it in 48:17. Although I barely missed my goal I was pleased with my performance. I was especially pleased with my last mile split of 6:48:41.

Marathon Training
I'm currently training to run the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon which will be on November 3rd 2012. This course takes you through many different areas of Indianapolis and is a lot of fun. I ran the half two years ago and really enjoyed the course and experience. Training is going well and I'm hoping to have a much better run that Chicago of last year.

Personal Update
I've been trying to secure a new job for quite some time, and have recently accepted a new position with a different company. This should allow me to have more time with the family and have a more consistent schedule for some fun stuff like running.

I hope to not have such a long break between my next post and this one in the future, but I've been focusing on securing my new job which as some of you may know takes up a lot of time.